December 3, 2007

I would like to take a moment to salute the brave voters of Venezuela, who have taken great risks to do what was right for their country.

They refused, despite intense pressure and the threat of violence, to relinquish their freedoms, and used their votes to curb their government's power.

No one can say at this moment whether this present state of affairs will last, whether the freedoms preserved at the ballot box will be crushed by government tank treads or the boots of government murder squads. Even if it does not, I commend the brave voters of Venezuela for their stand. They surely knew the risks better than I do, and it is their families and friends who will have to live with the consequences, and yet they still did what was right.

I hope that I and every other American will, a little less than a year from now, when we cast our own ballots, be reminded of the Venezuelan election, and determine to honor those brave voters in three ways. First, we should remember that leadership, and especially the character of a leader, is of great importance, for a good leader without character will abuse power. Second, we should consider that we are greatly privileged to be able to vote peacefully and in freedom, with our rights and safety securely preserved from day to day. Third, I hope that we will pick a leader who will advance the cause of human freedom throughout the world, so that the sacrifices made by people of our nation and people of many other nations will result in many more peaceful, secure, and free lives, such as those that we have been so blessed as to enjoy.